Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Project 3 :DKD 4011 > Marketing/Information Kiosk


You are to design a marketing/information kiosk to be used by one sales person. The kiosk will be used for a product of your choice. The idea is for your client to travel to the big or small centres and transport the kiosk on a trailer or any other suitable means.   The material of choice must be aluminium (we have an annually prize for the best project in aluminium).


Frame and cladding must be 80% aluminium.
Combination of materials and connections must receive special attention.


The kiosk will be used on university campuses all over the country. Your design must be striking and a bit over the top.
The kiosk will sell one brand only. Select your product of choice and use the kiosk to market the item.


CONCEPT - Ola Kiosk. Profile/ form derived from that of an ice lolly. I think the sketches are pretty self explanatory. Thought I had a winner, but No. The design is not B-tech standard. I was told at crit that the scale of my proposal is too way too small and simple. It needs to be more extravagant or as the brief puts it, "Over the Top".    

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