Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Project 1 :DKD 4011 > Green Elevation Treatment

The brief requires the re-design of the existing west elevation of the BTech computer lab and staff offices.

This assignment forms a very important part of your DSW document and the student is required to show the application of his research analysis clearly. The research and precedent studies for this assignment will assist you with your second semester DSW project.

The existing elevation treatment makes use of horizontal concrete louvers to shade the glass. This approach, although successful in keeping direct sunlight & heat out obstruct the view.

The BAS studio to east of the BTech studio requires more cross ventilation and will be part of the problem.
Study existing building examples and by removing the horizontal concrete louvers of the NMMU building, re-design the West elevation to improve the following:
·         Ventilation (both BTech lab & BAS studio)
·         Improve the view without allowing direct sunlight into the lab.

·         Reflect natural light into the BAS studio (not compulsory). 


The existing concrete louvers may be replaced with sliding, pivoting, tilting and horizontal or vertical louvers.
The existing system fulfils one function but the new system will have to meet the following criteria:
·         Provide shading (check sun angles, time duration of direct sunlight)
·         Allow natural light and some unobstructed view
·         Create stack effect to assist ventilation
·         Reflect natural light to space behind CAD lab.


Concept Sketch -  My first crit did not go too well. I had some components which were unnecessary. 

Section Through Light Duct, Floor Plan with Duct Layout & Elevation. 

Section Though Vertical Fins
Model. My light duct worked effectively. My chimney also worked but very slowly...

Section Through Thermal Chimney. Still needs to be resolved. # Crit did NOT go well. Lecturer felt that my chimney was not appropriately sealed and also my chimney does not effectively implement/accommodate high pressure to low pressure pressure systems...basically my flue needs to get smaller and smaller the higher up it climbs to encourage hot air to travel upwards at a more accelerated rate.

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